In 1926, a local Customs Officer, Harry Marshall, built, on the eastern shore of Lake Wallace in the town of Canaan Vermont, what we know today as Jackson’s Lodge and Log Cabins. Harry, not surprisingly, named his business “The Marshall Camps.”
The Marshall Camps offered fishermen and their families rest and relaxation while they enjoyed some of the best trout fishing in all of New England. This postcard postmarked in 1936 demonstrates that one part of the property was home to “Marshall’s Tavern, Lake Wallis, VT.”

Also, while The Marshall Camps were in operation, the section of Vermont Route 114 that crosses over Harriman Hill today did not exist. As evidenced by the 1928 map of Canaan below, the shortest route to the village of Canaan from Lake Wallace was actually down the dirt road that is now Jackson Lodge Road and into Canada. This road connected to what is now Route 141 in Canada, and then crossed back into the United States where the Canaan Customs and Border Protection port of entry sits today.

In 1958 Elmont Jackson, a logger and land owner in the area, purchased the Marshall property with the intent of providing a family business to be run by his wife, Audrey (Gemmell) Jackson, originally from Lennoxville, Quebec, and their children. Elmont and Audrey had six daughters who all had a hand in running “Jackson’s Lodge and Log Cabin Village” for close to three decades.

Under Elmont and Audrey’s ownership, “Jackson’s” also ran a successful restaurant, and was home to a weekly dance with live bands that was “the place to be” on Saturday nights.

In 1986, Elmont and Audrey’s daughter, Gloria Jackson, purchased the property from her parents, and has continued Jackson’s Lodge time-tested tradition of “family serving friends.” Gloria has hosted numerous wedding receptions and social gatherings at The Lodge during her tenure. Always, Gloria, her family and staff, assured that good times were had by all, thereby creating lasting fond memories for countless people.

Over the years, the Jackson family has maintained, upgraded, and replaced many of the original cabins while continually improving the property. Jackson’s has also kept pace with modern technology. Whether it was refrigeration, microwave ovens, or that newfangled black and white television that only picked up French-speaking stations out of Canada, Jackson’s has kept up with the times. Although the cabins have maintained their original peaceful and rustic (non-technological) charm, the Main Lodge now offers television via satellite, complimentary telephone, and wireless internet access.

If you are looking for a relaxing getaway, a fun-filled family vacation, or just want to “get away from it all,” visit Jackson’s Lodge and Log Cabins to experience true Vermont living. The beautiful beach, the charming cabins, and the peaceful lifestyle, combined to provide you with a vacation you’ll treasure.