A “guys long weekend” bike trip included a night at this hidden gem. As we rolled in under a glowing afternoon sun, we were greeted by the preternaturally friendly Gloria. At once we knew we were in for a special experience as little surprises delighted us at every turn: the innocence of the simple chain-link fence that serves as the international border between the U.S. and Canada along the Lodge property’s northern edge; the meticulously kept cabins that dot the shore of Lake Wallace; the mammoth fire pit rock at the water’s edge; the vast emerald carpet lawn and volleyball court; the idyllic main lodge in which it felt as though you could close your eyes and still hear the voices of yesteryear’s fishermen, exchanging tall tales about “the one that got away.”
As if all this weren’t enough, Jackson’s Lodge is smack in the middle of the outstanding “Mostly Moose Bicycle Loop,” which provides about 70 miles of some of the most beautiful biking landscape anywhere.
Your visit will also undoubtedly include meeting other Lodge staff, such as “Mark” and “Lou,” whose generosity of spirit and authentic desire to help guests relax and rejuvenate will restore faith that you can do more than simply “go” on vacation … you can BE on vacation.

There were four of us biking the Mostly Moose Loop, Jackson’s Lodge was at a great spot for an overnight on the 70 mile round trip. It turned out not to be just a place to stay en route, but a fun, warm and welcome time with the very generous, Gloria and Mark. If you haven’t read the other reviews, go ahead, they are great descriptions of a place to “be” for a night, a weekend or a week. Have you ever seen a 5 star, no exceptions, review before? It is for real. The peaceful and beautiful setting are highlighted by the warmth of the workers and the friendliness of the folks staying there. There is plenty to do if you haven’t just biked there – kayak, fish, swim, volley ball, ping pong, etc
The breakfast food is amazing.
When I fell in the lake (O.K. I didn’t really want to mention that but it does add to the story) Mark was there before I could stand up and realize what had happened – guests had called and there he was, the assist included a set of clothes and drier for this biker who didn’t really pack for falling in lakes.
Bikers, the loop is great. Yes, it does have those Vermont hills. It also has farms, a small town, more than one woman owned business (including Jackson’s Lodge), the CT river, a restaurant or two and ice cream, as well as the beautiful Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge.
We are happy to help you explore bicycling in our region.
Our staff cyclist, Lu, can answer your questions and help point you in the right direction for the kind of bicycling you’d like to experience while staying at Jackson’s Lodge.

Ride a scenic loop on some of the quietest paved roads in Vermont.
Jackson’s Lodge is located on the “Mostly Moose” cycling route. Even energetic beginners can ride this as a two-day loop. Start in Island Pond and ride to Jackson’s Lodge where you can relax in one of our lakeside cabins or a room, swim, kayak, or just sit by the campfire looking out on Lake Wallace and our breathtaking sunsets. If you arrange it ahead of time, we’ll make dinner for you or your group and have it waiting for you when you arrive. Have a hearty, country-style breakfast at Jackson’s Café the next morning before heading out to finish your ride towards Canaan and back to Island Pond. More advanced cyclists can ride this 67.5 mile loop in one day, starting and finishing at Jackson’s Lodge.
Our staff cyclist regularly sees moose between Averill and Lake Wallace while riding this loop, and enjoys this loop for its lack of traffic and the feel of the deep wild. She once even saw a black bear cross the road near Norton Pond on this ride. Click here for a map of this route and other cycling routes in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.
Explore the endless traffic-free dirt roads, double track, and trails.

Put your passport in your pocket and head over the border into Canada.

For mountain bike enthusiasts, just a 10 minute drive over the border in E. Hereford you can ride the uncrowded mountain bike trails of renowned Circuits Frontieres. These trails range from beginner trails to one of the most challenging trails around that drops down off the rocks at the top of Mont Hereford.
Or drive up to Lennoxville, take your bikes off the car, and ride to North Hatlley on the Trans Canada Trail. Click here to read about the different Canada rides.