Brousseau Mountain is an incredible place for any birder. Nesting right in the mountain’s cliff-side, the Peregrine Falcon is an endangered bird that can be seen throughout the summer. Sometimes numbering from just a couple, up to over a dozen, the flight show that these birds put on is incredible.

Little Averill Lake is well known for it’s Common Loon sightings and the wetlands just below Brousseau Mountain. Norton Pond is another loon destination with it’s wilderness shoreline and pristine wetlands. Both lakes are excellent opportunities to site nesting and brooding habitat for the Common Loon.

Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge is one of the most wild lands in Vermont. Stretching over 26,000 acres, it’s wetland and upland habitat supports over 169 bird species including the rare Spruce Grouse, Black-Back Woodpecker, breasted and palm warblers, Olive-sided Flycatchers, Rusty Blackbirds, and Philadelphia Vireos.

Wallace Lake gives our guests the convenience of not even having to drive anywhere to see magnificent birds. From the majestic bald eagle, to common loons and the merganser, a myriad of birds can be seen right from the comfort of your porch.