Although they’re population has declined in recent years (mostly due to ticks and loss of habitat), one can still see these magnificent animals as long as you know where to look (we’ll show you where!).
Preferring to come out at dawn, dusk, and when it’s dark, there are multiple places to park and watch bulls (male moose), cows (female moose) and calves (baby moose). They love the road-salt that washes off our roads into ditches; so chances of seeing one right on the road side is very high.
They are known to enjoy the occasional lily pad, so every once in awhile one can be spotted in a local lake or pond.
When out moose watching, please be aware that moose are WILD ANIMALS. Never get out of your car or walk over to them when spotted. These animals have been known to charge cars (and even trains during mating season). Be safe, and stay aware of the moose and the other traffic around you.